Special Thanks! 


This page is to recognize the wonderful people and companies that went out of their way to help me create and bring fullips to market.  I know I challenged this group with an unending amount of questions, and was met with infinite patience and knowledge.  I consider you all to be friends and feel fortunate to have learned from the best!

  • Coey Genuise--Not only an amazing source of information and solid help, but Coey's enormous amount of positive energy and encouragement gave me the strength to go forward with this project.
  • Eddy Martinez--When 100's of prototypes were needed,and I changed the sizes, shapes and materials on a daily basis, there was never any complaining.  No matter what was asked, Eddy always came through.
  • Jason Smith of Go Offroad Protoype and Design (Phoenix)--In taking my final prototype choices to the next level.  Going from aluminum to plastic, to all the fine tuning for the molds, Jason's work and professionalism were unmatched.
  • Adam Stephenson, LTD and his team, Paul and Janice--For the endless work on both my patents and trademarks.  And for walking me through the paperwork with easy explanations and advice, there can never be enough thank you's.  www.patentproblempro.com
  • Ryan Clark of Design-Tek (Ogden, Utah)--For agreeing to work on my project even though it was far smaller than anything Design-Tek normally does.  Making the mold, teaching me about plastics and running the first tests; making changes as we went.  And to the office manager Shelby--Much gratitude for adding the female touch; going above and beyond to watch for fine detail, and answering countless emails with such kindness.
  • Joan Mintzer Lefkowitz, Accessory Brainstorms, Inc. (New York)--Who shared knowledge that was critical on every stage of this product.  If I had a question, she had an answer, her years in the business make her one of the top experts and I'm lucky to know her.
  • Rita Moran at AZ Commercial Print--For taking my idea and making it happen.  Reviewing the countless bits and pieces, and changes galore, and turning them into beautiful packaging inserts.
  • Jeff Griffin of Griff O'Seven, LLC--For taking all the pieces of information and producing the most amazing marketing campaign.  You are one stop shopping for website, FB, Twitter, and everything else technical.  You have an endless stream of great ideas, but above all else work tirelessly, 7 days a week and are always willing to help...this product never would have launched without you.
  • Crosby-Wright, (Scottsdale)--The top PR firm in the state provided fabulous insight and information.  Valerie and Paul are also incredibly fun and I hope to work with them more in the near future.
  • Marie Giovanna--An incredible writer and motivator who, just when I really needed it, reminded me that it was ok to embrace new roles no matter how much I loved the old ones and then she said, "I wish for you an adventure to rediscovering and recreating Linda", and that's when I realized even at 58 years old...she was right...it was time for a new adventure.

Thanks also to numerous friends that have always been so positive in everything I do.  I hope that I give you the same kind of love and support as you always give me because I know how blessed I am to have you all in my life.

And last, but certainly not least...to my Family

My amazing husband Ernie has supported yet another one of my ventures, both financially and in every other way possible, as he's done for the last 34 years.

My children...Tiffany, my partner in crime with our fun projects.  Always getting ourselves into something we shouldn't, fixing my mistakes and now being the marketing person I never knew she was.  Krystle, the one that keeps me on top of everything legal, no matter how hard I fight doing the paperwork.  I know she's always right and I do value her advice more than she could ever know.  Ashley, who supports everything I do with such passion, giggles, and fixes all the things that Krystle says we need to do.  And my boys, Austin and Hunter who have worked for the last two years on the production side.  Sometimes I make them crazy and sometimes they make me crazy and none of us would have it any other way, they are my babies.  And to Lily and Ella who make sure that we always remember to take a break from work to go have an ice cream...because time spent with family and friends is what really matters most.

